TDG TMAs: Navigating Safety, Setting Standards

Our dedication to safety and excellence isn’t merely a slogan—it’s a visual journey. Our recently adorned Truck Mounted Attenuator (TMA) fleet champions our core values boldly, becoming a moving testament to our commitment towards safeguarding lives on the road.

Each TMA is more than a safety device; it's a canvas of our convictions. As they navigate through traffic, they echo our resolve to:

Grow: Symbolising our unwavering focus on advancement, nurturing both our services and community’s trust.

Be the Benchmark: Reflecting our aspiration to set industry standards, driving others to match our strides in safety and efficiency.

Setting the Standard: A robust pledge to define and uphold industry standards, ensuring that each project we embark on serves as a model for excellence and responsibility.

The vibrancy of these values doesn’t just reside on our TMAs; it reverberates through our actions, decisions, and the partnerships we forge in the industry. This is not merely a campaign; it's our ethos in motion, a living embodiment of what TDG stands for in every interaction, every project, and every milestone.

With every journey our TMAs undertake, they not only steer safety but inspire a culture of responsibility, innovation, and excellence that resonates with every stakeholder in our industry.


Facilitating Camms Road Level Crossing


TDG Supports R U OK? Day 2023