John’s Journey: Turning a Health Challenge into a Wake-Up Call

Meet John Sobol, a hardworking member of the Traffic Diversions Group (TDG) team for seven years. Recently, John has been tackling a personal challenge that's turned into a mission to raise awareness - he has been diagnosed with Stage 3 bowel cancer.

John is a straight shooter, known for his dedication and expertise. When he noticed some health issues, he didn't ignore them. He sought medical advice, leading to his diagnosis. It was a shock, but John, being John, saw it as an opportunity to get a vital message out there, particularly in industries where the fast-paced nature of work can sometimes overshadow personal health concerns.

John's message is clear and simple: If something doesn't feel right, speak up. Get a bowel cancer screening test if you're over 50 or experiencing symptoms. It's a small step that could be a lifesaver.

Since his diagnosis, John Sobol has been an inspiration. His positive attitude and resilience are something else. His story has already prompted several of our traffic controllers to get tested. We're all behind John's mission to raise awareness about bowel cancer.

John Sobol's journey is a powerful reminder of the importance of health awareness and early detection. We're proud to stand with John in his fight against bowel cancer and are committed to promoting health awareness within our industry.

John, we're inspired by your courage and determination. We're committed to raising awareness about bowel cancer. We look forward to welcoming you back to the team when you're ready!


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